Whole grains and legumes have made a comeback, they’re in fashion and stronger than ever. We think it’s because people are more aware of what they’re eating, questioning the status quo, listening to their bodies, and having more access to nutritional information, and then there’s the current movement to plant proteins and cutting down on animal proteins. Some may say we are heading back to our ancient times, moving away from food processing and eating as our ancestors did.
So what so good about whole grains and legumes?
They’re a great source of essential nutrients, having similar nutritional densities to vegetables. This is why whole grains and legumes are recommended to be part of our diets. Along with being packed with vitamins and minerals, whole grains and legumes are a great source of protein and fibre, which helps us feel fuller for longer and maintain a healthy body weight. For vegans and vegetarians, it's essential that whole grains and legumes are combined in meals, to ensure all essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) are being consumed.
Ancient Grains
Whole grains and Legumes might be back in fashion, but Ancient grains are the shiny “new” toy. They have sat quietly in the background for thousands of years, set aside as an optional crop for many farmers. Now they’re the fancy ingredient on our plates. Ancient grains like - quinoa, chia seeds, wild rice, millet, and barley and packed with nutrients ready to be used by our body.
Dineamic loves whole grains, legumes, and ancient grains
Dineamic’s meals are filled with nutrition and many of them are made up of a combination of whole grains, legumes, and ancient grains. We use ingredients like these to ensure our customer’s meal consumption is contributing to reaching their daily intake of essential nutrients. Try our minestrone & quinoa soup, rustic tomato & ancient grain soup, beef & pearl barley soup, vegetable taco hash, cauliflower & chickpea curry, red lentil & kale dahl with rice, open chicken burrito with brown rice & quinoa, or our sweet potato and coconut curry.
Whole or Ancient Grain or Legume
Filled with and helps with
Found in Dineamic’s
Brown Rice
Fibre for bowel function and diabetes
B vitamins for cell function
Magnesium for nerve and muscle function
Moroccan chicken tagine
Thai red and green chicken curry
Red Lentil and kale dahl
Rolled Oats
Fibre (soluble) for satiety
Manganese for metabolism of nutrients
Iron to transfer oxygen
Zinc for immune system support
B vitamins for cell function
Powerballs and muesli slice
Fibre for diabetes
Phosphorus: for cell function
Folate for red blood cells
Iron to transfers oxygen
Zinc for immune system support
Open chicken burrito
Vegetable taco hash
Minestrone & quinoa soup
Calcium, potassium and Magnesium for Bone Health
Selenium for heart health
Fibre for diabetes, and bowel function
Cauliflower and chickpea curry
Sweet potato and coconut curry
Fibre for bowel health and diabetes
Folate B9 for red blood cell formation and function
Zinc for immune system support
Copper for nerve function, and immune system support.
Chicken, vegetable & du puy lentil soup
Pumpkin and red lentil soup
Red lentil and kale dahl