Regarding VIC Labour Day Delivery Schedule
Due to the upcoming Victorian Labour Day public holiday there may be changes to your normal delivery schedule

VIC Labour Day: 10 March

Due to the upcoming Victorian Labour Day public holiday there may be changes to your normal delivery schedule:

  • VIC - no deliveries on Tuesday 11 March
  • NSW/ACT - no deliveries on Wednesday 12 March & Thursday 13 March
  • QLD - no deliveries on Thursday 13 March & Friday 14 March

Please note that our team will be unavailable on Monday 10 March. We will attend to your inquiry on the following day.

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Check out our delicious nutritious meals.

Delivery Checker

Enjoy our fresh, ready meals delivered straight to you! We currently deliver to over 4,000 suburbs, including major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, and Hobart, as well as a wide range of regional and rural areas. Enter your suburb and postcode below to check delivery cut-offs and available days in your area. We can't wait for you to try them.

Please enter a valid suburb name.
Please enter a valid 4-digit postcode.

Holiday Delivery Schedule

Labour Day

Due to the upcoming public holiday, please note the following delivery schedule changes:


No Deliveries:

  • Tuesday 11 March 2025


No Deliveries:

  • Wednesday 12 March 2025
  • Thursday 13 March 2025


No Deliveries:

  • Thursday 13 March 2025
  • Friday 14 March 2025

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Delivery FAQS

How is the food delivered?

Our meals are delivered chilled, via refrigerated transport.

Your meals will be packed into an insulated cardboard box with a cooling gel pack. This is then delivered via refrigerated transport to your door.

You'll receive a text upon delivery. Our drivers will endeavour to leave your order in a safe location out of direct sunlight where possible - please ensure to bring your order inside and put your meals in the fridge once delivered.

How much is shipping?

Our shipping fee is a flat rate of $15 for refrigerated delivery, ensuring your meals arrive fresh and safely chilled.

Does your food come frozen?

Nope - our food arrives to you freshly prepared by the kitchen. Your delivery will be sent to your door in a refrigerated truck, so it doesn’t need to be frozen – it’ll be ready for you to heat up as soon as you’re ready.

If you don’t plan on eating your meals by the use-by date, you can absolutely freeze them. When you're ready to eat, we advise reheating the meal from frozen instead of defrosting or thawing your meal out first. It'll take about 5-6 minutes in the microwave.

Missing delivery?

If there are missing items from your delivery, you must contact us on (03) 8669 0587 9am to 5pm (AEST/AEDT) within 24 hours of the delivery time and we will take steps to verify and confirm any such missing items. Please see our T&C's for further information.

Got a question?

Visit our help centre for more details.

The Dineamic Halopack: The science behind our eco-friendly packaging

The Dineamic Halopack: The science behind our eco-friendly packaging

As the days and months continue to tick by in 2023, many of us are dreaming about visiting beautiful beaches and picturesque coastlines from around the globe (anyone for a poolside cocktail?). The truth is though, the beauty of such destinations is in jeopardy - and the longer we neglect that, the worse the war on waste and plastic becomes. 

To put things into perspective, you might be shocked to learn that according to the WWF

  • Australia produces nearly 3 million tonnes of plastic per annum 
  • Of that 3 million tonnes, less than 12% is recycled; and 
  • 130,000 tonnes of this plastic will end up in the ocean 

To further understand these mind-boggling numbers, each Aussie uses around 130kg of plastic per year - meaning 30kg worth could end up as pollution. That 30kg could include plastic bags (taking 20 years to break down), plastic straws (taking 200 years to break down) and other items like plastic water bottles and cups (taking a whopping 450 years to break down! No one wants to be outlived by their waste…right?). 

At Dineamic, we know ready-made meals are great for convenience, but often convenience comes at the expense of sustainability.  We scoured the globe for the most sustainable packaging on the market. And that’s exactly what our customers enjoy their delicious Dineamic meals in today, and everyday. 

Do you know about the black plastic recycling problem?

Black plastic trays are often used for ready meals as they’re cheap and make food look more appealing. But, black plastic trays rarely get recycled! They aren't easily identifiable by automatic sorting machines, so they end up in landfill.

Introducing the Halopack

When we introduced Halopack, we invited everyone in the Dineamic community to shop the sustianable option. Halopacks are easy (and fun) to use. Once your nutritious meal is finished, just tear the film, separating it from the cardboard, then place the cardboard in the recycling bin and the film in soft plastics (if accessible).

To some people’s surprise, cardboard that is heavily contaminated with food and/or grease can’t actually be recycled (unless your council specifies otherwise). For example, many pizza boxes or takeaway containers made from cardboard can’t be recycled. Some can be composted if you have the means to do so. Otherwise, they’re landfill. That’s why with Halopack, separating cardboard from food means it’s in perfectly good knick to be recycled. 

Why Halopack?

Keeps food fresh

With Halopack we can ensure the optimal preservation (all natural, of course!) of our delicious Dineamic meals. We use farm-fresh, Aussie produce and have nothing to hide. With 5c3092a clear top, you can feast your eyes on our delicious meals. After all, we eat with our eyes (first)!   

Uses the bare minimum resources 

Dineamic’s meals have slipped into something more sustainable with Halopack recyclable eco-packaging. Halopack uses the bare minimum of resources for production, with the trays using 92% less plastic than other ready-made meal trays. 

Has a low carbon footprint 

Halopack has a low environmental footprint, with less food and cardboard waste. Given the packing is lightweight, it’s great for transporting and means less emissions are produced in getting our delicious meals into supermarkets, and to your door. 

Is free of additives 

Some packaging manufacturers take shortcuts - ones we disagree with and would never pass on to our customers. Halopack doesn’t use additives like PE-coatings, lime and adhesives during the production process. The packaging ensures food is kept clean and conserved at its optimum. 

Why Dineamic and Halopack are such a good fit 

We know the environment is something our customers care deeply about, and Halopack is an important part of Dineamic’s sustainability goals. By using halopack, we’re living up to our ‘environmentally responsible’ ethos. 

Good for you and the planet

Our team works hard to ensure we have as little impact on the earth as possible. We source sustainably grown ingredients from local Aussie farmers and package our meals in Halopack eco packaging, which reduces over 20 tonnes of plastic a year. Our food is prepared in a 100% carbon neutral kitchen, and we only cook to order to minimise food waste.

Shop with Dineamic and become an Eco-tear-ian today! 

Whether you’re a vegetarian, non-vegetarian, pescatarian, ovo vegetarian, lacto vegetarian, fruitarian, you’re now an ECO-TEAR-IAN with Dineamic. Shop our delicious, nutritious meals today.

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