Hey you,
We’re currently having trouble maintaining our stock levels, we apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you in your recent orders.
As you’re aware, the transmission of Covid-19 is causing a large number of the population to be in isolation, including our staff. We're running off a smaller team than usual to cook and pack your orders.
Our local suppliers are also feeling these effects, meaning we're experiencing supply chain issues with our fresh ingredients.
Deliveries are delayed within all steps of the process as our partners experience staff shortages and an increase in demand as you - our customers - are isolating too.
So, we can serve you better, we have decided to temporarily make a portion of our menu unavailable, allowing us to produce your fan favourites to our high standards and fulfil your orders.
To our Victorian customers, we have temporarily increased your lead time to 5 days, so we can fill your orders as accurately as possible.
We appreciate your patience and support in these difficult times. As we navigate through the next chapter of this pandemic, let's be be empathetic and kind to everyone.
Wishing you and your family good health.
PS: Dineamic’s focus remains on the health and safety of you—our customer—and our team. Our safety and hygiene standards remain high, plus we are taking additional measures to avoid transmission and will continue them for the foreseeable future.
It might also be a good time to look back at our blog we wrote on Staying Healthy at Home.